80’s Disco Theme
The mirrored disco ball is still used in many themed parties even though it was made famous by the disco era. Arrange for the nightclub to play disco music from the 80’s and invite guests to dress in the styles of this magical decade. Guests can also be asked ahead of time to choreograph their own disco dance and ‘strut their stuff’ on the dance floor to compete for prizes. Arrange for bar prices to reflect those paid in the 1980’s provided the nightclub agrees to you covering the actual costs of the drinks. Have snack foods served that reflect the types of foods typically served at a party back in the 80’s to help add authenticity to the party.
Casino Theme
Regardless of whether gambling is legal in your area or not you can host a casino themed party in a nightclub provided money is not used. Poker chips can be assigned a points value rather than monetary value and prizes given to the person with the highest numbers of points. Prizes typically have a capped limit on value so check with the relevant laws in your area. If you want to make it even more exciting give the casino theme a touch of yesteryear atmosphere and have people dress in period costume from the early days of gambling halls and casinos. Prizes can be awarded to the best dressed couple and individuals.
Video Game/Television Show/Movie Cosplay Theme
If the bride or groom has a particular interest a theme party will add a level of fun to the celebration. Take into consideration any sports, pastimes, and interests they may have. You can consider decorating the venue in a relevant theme and have the guests dress up appropriately. Sport-themed parties are one of the easiest to arrange.
Make a Checklist
Video games like World of Warcraft have a wide variety of fun characters that guests can dress up in cosplay costumes, as do many television shows, with Dr Who and Star Trek being particularly popular. Alternatively you can choose a movie theme such as Star Wars to base your party on. The nightclub can be decorated to reflect a particular scene or location in the movie, game or TV show and guests can receive prizes for the most authentic costumes. For an extra fun element advise guests that costumes should be made from scratch rather than purchased. Serve odd colored drinks and foods and give them names that match items or elements in the game, movie or TV show.
Sports Theme
One of the easiest themes for a party, guests are invited to dress in sports gear to match their favorite sport. You can choose to stick with one particular sport or sports in general. A sports-themed party typically calls for beer to be served, and foods typically found at sports arenas, such as hotdogs, popcorn and the like. Make sure that the nightclub has a number of both local beers and well-known brands so guests have a wide choice. If the nightclub has an outdoor area consider a barbecue and beer night, with ribs, burgers and the like.